Please note the important terms and conditions of using gift cards:
• The gift card is disposable and can only be used once
• If the rental amount is less than the gift card value, the remaining funds will not be transferred to future
bookings and will not be credited to the balance.
We recommend that you plan your booking carefully to make the most of the gift card value.
Card Value{{gift_card.formatted_gift_card_value}}
{{gift_card.gift_card_duration_formatted}} Expiry
{{gift_card.gift_card_duration_formatted}} Expiry
Out of
{{ is_error_msg }}
{{ is_success_msg }}
Forgot Password
Sign Up
{{ is_error_msg }}
Make a payment
{{ gift_card_step_form_data.subtotal_with_currency }}
+{{ gift_card_step_form_data.tax_with_currency }}
Total Amount {{ gift_card_step_form_data.included_tax_label }}
{{ gift_card_step_form_data.total_amount_with_currency }}
Select Payment Method
Card Details
Gift Card ID: #{{bookingpress_booked_gift_card_detail.bookingpress_gift_card_no}}
Your gift card purchased successfully!
We have sent your purchase information to your email address.
Gift Card:
Customer Name: